Apply deadline 30 April.
Takes place from September 2015 to May 2016 in Italy

We call for partners for KinoLab project, a projects which aims to impact the lack of media literacy in the young generations of Europeans!

The Project
KinoLab Project aims to impact the problem of lack of visual communication learning opportunities and  formation in the European youth, setting through a Youth Exchange an opportunity for trainees, young people and volunteers, as well as for trainers and youth workers, to undertake a learning experience in Italy.

During the Preparation Phase APS VideOfficine will take care of involving all the organizations participating  the project in discussion and proposing, through online meetings, about activities and tools that characterize their knowledge of media and their technological skills, in order to cooperate and share the best practices in this field during the exchange that will take place in the Implementation phase of the project.

We will share organization documents online and discuss them in online meetings with all the organizations involved.

In the Implementation Phase all the organizations groups will participate a Youth Exchange lasting 10 days in Zagarolo, Rome, that will be subdivided thru icebreaking and meeting group moments, practical trainings, and round tables on specific issues, particularly focusing on improving the level of key competences and skills, with attention on their relevance for the labour market and their contribution to a cohesive society,of all the young people participating the project. The group leaders and the youth workers involved in the project will be stimulated to enhance the international dimension of education and training.

The final activity of the exchange will be to publish a blog of the exchange that will be implemented and enriched by all the participants during the Dissemination Phase.

During this last phase, we will organize meetings and group activity in each country involved in the project in order to consolidate visibility both for organizations and project and to share the knowledges and skills achieved during its last.